Healthcare Acronyms

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 340B340B Drug Discount Program
A US federal government program created in 1992 that requires drug manufacturers to provide outpatient drugs to eligible health care organizations and covered entities (i.e., health systems serving Medicaid beneficiaries) at significantly reduced prices.
 80 20 rulePareto Principle
For many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes
 834EDI 834 Transaction
A type of EDI transaction from the HIPAA 5010 standard. It includes member enrollment information, benefits, plan subscription, and employee demographic information.
 A&ASAdvisory and Assistance Service
 A&GAcquisitions and Grants
 A&GAdministrative and General
 a&oAlert and Oriented
Sometimes written a & o
 A&RAudit and Reimbursement
 A-PTActionPhase Topic
 A2HAAmerican Association of Hospital Accountants
 AAAdministrative Assistant
 AAAlcoholics Anonymous
 AAAssociate Administrator
 AAAssociate of Arts
A two-year degree
 AAAAbdominal Aortic Aneurysm
A localized dilatation (ballooning) of the abdominal aorta exceeding the normal diameter by more than 50 percent, and is the most common form of aortic aneurysm
 AAAAgricultural Adjustment Administration
 AAAAmerican Automobile Association
 AAASCAmerican Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers
 AABBAmerican Association of Blood Banks
Formerly American Association of Blood Banks but now an international organization known only as AABB
 AABHAssociation for Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare
 AACCNAmerican Academy of Critical Care Nurses
 AACNAmerican Association of Colleges of Nursing
 AACNAmerican Association of Critical-Care Nurses
 AACRAmerican Association for Cancer Research
 AADAmerican Association of Dermatology
 AADAAbbreviated Antibiotic Drug Application
 AADGPAmerican Academy of Dental Group Practice
 AAFAplastic Anemia Foundation
 AAFESArmy and Air Force Exchange Services
 AAFPAmerican Academy of Family Physicians
 AAGEGAdministrative Analysis Grade Evaluation Guide
 AAHAdvocate Aurora Health
 AAHAAmerican Association of Homes for the Aging
 AAHCAssociation of Academic Health Centers
Sometimes also abbreviated AHC.
 AAHCMAmerican Academy of Home Care Medicine
 AAHPAmerican Association of Health Plans
Now merged with HIAA to form AHIP
 AAHSAAmerican Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
 AAIApplications Alarms Infrastructure
See also See also GTE and MTS
 AAINAmerican Academy of Industrial Nurses
 AAKPAmerican Association of Kidney Patients
 AAMCAssociation of American Medical Colleges
 AANAmerican Academy of Nursing
 AANAAmerican Association of Nurse Anesthetists
 AANPAmerican Academy of Nurse Practitioners
 AAOAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology
 AAOAmerican Academy of Optometry
 AAOSAmerican Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
 AAPAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
 AAPAsthma Action Plan
 AAPCAmerican Association of Professional Coders
 AAPCCAdjusted Average Per Capita Cost
 AAPDAmerican Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
 AAPHRAmerican Association of Physicians for Human Rights
 AAPIAmerican Accreditation Program, Inc.
 AAPPAffirmative Action Program Planning
 AAPPOAmerican Association of Preferred Provider Organizations
 AAPSAssociation of American Physicians and Surgeons
 AARGAverage Annual Rate of Growth
 AARPAmerican Association of Retired Persons
 AARRApproval, Adjustment, and Reject Response
 ABAdministrative Bulletin
 ABAAmerican Banking Association
 ABAAmerican Bar Association
 ABAAmerican Board of Anesthesiology
 ABAApplied Behavior Analysis
 ABAIAmerican Board of Allergy & Immunology
 ABAIAssociation for Behavior Analysis International
 ABASAdaptive Behavior Assessment System
 ABCNAmerican Board of Clinical Neuropsychology
 ABCRSAmerican Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery
 ABDAged, Blind, and Disabled
 ABDAmerican Board of Dermatology
 ABEMAmerican Board of Emergency Medicine
 ABENDAbnormal Ending
 ABENDAIDABEND Analysis Software
 ABFPAmerican Board of Family Practice
 ABGArterial Blood Gas
A blood test that is performed using blood from an artery. It involves puncturing an artery with a thin needle and syringe and drawing a small volume of blood.
 ABHAssociation of Behavioral Healthcare
 ABIMAmerican Board of Internal Medicine
 ABMSAmerican Boarded in Medical Specialties
 ABNAdvanced Beneficiary Notice
A standardized notice that must be issued to a Medicare beneficiary before providing certain Medicare Part B (outpatient) or Part A (limited to hospice and Religious Nonmedical Healthcare Institutions only) items or services. The ABN must be issued when:It is believed that Medicare may not pay for an item or serviceMedicare usually covers the item or serviceMedicare may not consider it medically reasonable and necessary for the patient in this particular instance
 ABNMAmerican Board of Nuclear Medicine
 ABNSAmerican Board of Neurological Surgery
 ABOABO Blood Group
The major human blood type system which depends on the presence or absence of antigens known as A & B
 ABOGAmerican Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
 ABOPAmerican Board of Ophthalmology
 ABOSAmerican Board of Orthopedic Surgery
 ABOtoAmerican Board of Otolaryngology
 ABPAlternative Benefit Plan
 ABPAmerican Board of Pathology
 ABPAmerican Board of Pediatrics
 ABPANCAmerican Board of Perianesthesia Nursing Certification, Inc.
 ABPMAmerican Board of Preventive Medicine
 ABPMRAmerican Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
 ABPNAmerican Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
 ABPPAmerican Board of Professional Psychology
 ABPSAmerican Board of Plastic Surgery
 ABRAmerican Board of Radiology
 ABRN, BCAdvanced Practice Registered Nurse, Board Certified
An advanced practice certification for nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and specialists in advanced diabetes management by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
 ABSAmerican Board of Surgery
 ABSAnnual Beneficiary Summary
 ABTSAmerican Board of Thoracic Surgery
 ABUAmerican Board of Urology
 ACAccreditation Committee
 ACActual Charge
 ACAllowable Cost
 ACAmbulatory Care
 acBefore Meals
i.e. take 2 tablets before meals. Also written as a.c.
 ACAAffordable Care Act
Short for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare.
 ACAAmputee Coalition of America
 ACAApparent Cause Analysis
A basic analytical approach to determining the most probable/reasonable cause(s) of error by reviewing the facts associated with the incident. This analysis assists to identify causes and circumstances which can be prioritized as the basis for process improvement efforts.
 ACCAmbulatory Care Center
 ACCAmerican College of Cardiology
 ACCAmerican College of Nurse-Midwives Certification Council
 ACCAutomated Change Control
 ACCMEAccreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
 ACCPAmerican College of Chest Physicians
 ACCTAction Plan by Electronic Claims Transaction Institute
An anticoagulant containing citric acid, sodium citrate and dextrose. This was formerly used primarily as a whole blood preservative, but is currently used for plateletpheresis.
 ACDAudit Clearance Document
 ACDAutomatic Cancellation Date
 ACDISAssociation of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists
 ACEAdditional Care Encounters
 ACEAnalytics Center of Excellence
 ACEAutomated Claims Examination
 ACEIAngiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
 ACEPAmerican College of Emergency Physicians
 ACERSAnnual Contractor Evaluation Reporting System
 ACFAdministration for Children and Families
 ACGIHAmerican Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists
 ACGMEAccreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
Negotiates salary, raises, work hours, case load, etc. for medical education
 ACHAutomated Clearing House
 ACHEAmerican College of Healthcare Executives
 ACHRNAdvanced Certified Hyperbaric Nurse
A certification by the Baromedical Nurses Association (BNA)
 ACIPPHS Immunization Practice Advisory Committee
 ACLAccess Control Lists
 ACLAnterior Cruciate Ligament
One of four ligaments stabilizing the knee
 ACLIAmerican Council of Life Insurance
 ACLSAdvanced Cardiac Life Support
 ACLUAmerican Civil Liberties Union
 ACMAccredited Case Manager
An ACMA certification which is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA)
 ACMAmerican College of Medicine
 ACMAppropriate Care Measures
Formerly ACS
 ACMAssociation of Computing Machinery
 ACMAAmerican Case Management Association
 ACMPAudit/Civil Monetary Penalties
 ACMSAdvanced Cost Management Systems
 ACNS-BCAdult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist - Board Certified
Nurse credentialing website
 ACOAccountable Care Organization
 ACOAccreditation and Certification Operations
Also known as Division of Accreditation and Certification Operations
 ACOAdministrative Contracting Officer
 ACOGAmerican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
 ACPAdvanced Care Paramedic
 ACPAmerican College of Physicians
 ACPSAdvanced Claims Processing System
 ACPVAverage Cost per Visit
 ACRAdjusted Community Rate
Also known as Adjusted Community Contract Rate
 ACRAmerican College of Radiologists
 ACRAmerican College of Radiology
 ACRAmerican College of Rheumatology
 ACRGAggregated CRG
An aggregated reporting group of CRGs in 3M's Clinical Risk Grouping Software
 ACRGAnnual Compound Rate of Growth
 ACRNAIDS Certified Registered Nurse
A certification by the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC)
 ACRPAdjusted Community Rate Proposal
 ACRSAccelerated Cost Recovery System
 ACSAccredited Standards Committee
 ACSAcute Coronary Syndrome
 ACSAmerican Cancer Society
 ACSAmerican College of Surgeons
 ACSAppropriate Care Scores
Now called ACM
 ACSAutomated Cartridge System
 ACSCAmbulatory Care Sensitive Conditions
 ACSIAmerican Customer Satisfaction Index
 ACSSAdvisory Council on Social Security
 ACTAccess Control Table
 ACTAsthma Control Test
 ACTGAIDS Clinical Trials Group
 ACTSAutomated Case Tracking System
 ACUAutomatic Calling Unit
 ACVArithmetic Coefficient of Variation
 ACYFAdministration on Children, Youth, and Families
 ADAdmitting Diagnosis
 ADAssociate's Degree
A two-year degree
 ADRight Ear
A dangerous abbreviation which should not be used because it can be mistaken for QD (every day)
 adto, toward, near
Adduct (move toward the center of the body)
 ad libAs Desired
 ADAAmerican Dental Association
 ADAAmerican Diabetes Association
 ADAAmerican Dietetic Association
 ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act
 ADADAfter Date of Award Document
 ADAMHAAlcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration
 ADAPAIDS Drug Assistance Program
 ADAPSOAssociation of Data Processing Services Organization
 ADARSAutomated DASD Archival Restoration System
 AdBehAdaptive Behavior
 ADCAdult Day Care
 ADCAverage Daily Census
 ADEAdverse Drug Event
 ADGAmbulatory Diagnostic Group
 ADG-HOSDOMAmbulatory Diagnostic Group Hospital Dominant
 ADHAAmerican Dental and Hygienists Association
 ADHDAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Formerly known as ADD. One of the most common childhood disorders which can continue through adulthood, sypmtoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivity.
 ADI-RAutism Diagnostic Interview, Revised
 ADJAdjusted Claim
 ADLActivities of Daily Living
 ADMCAdvance Determination of Medicare Coverage
 ADMSAdministrative Message
 ADMSAlcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Services
 ADOBIAdvanced DOB Information
See also Social Security Administration (SSA)
 ADODAnticipated Date of Discharge
 ADOSAutism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
 ADOS-2Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (2nd Edition)
 ADPAdvance Planning Document
 ADPAlternative Disposition Plan
Medicaid term
 ADPAutomated Data Processing
 ADRAdditional Documentation Request
 ADRAdverse Drug Reaction
 ADRAlternative Dispute Resolution
 ADRAutomated Date Review
 ADRAutomated Desk Review
 ADSAlternative Delivery System
 ADSAmount, Duration, and Scope
 ADSAutomated Data System
 ADSAutomated Development System
 ADSBApplication Development System Batch
 ADSOApplication Development System Online
 ADTAdmit, Discharge, Transfer
The most commonly used HL7 messaging type, used to exchange the patient state within a healthcare facility. ADT messages keep patient demographic and visit information synchronized across healthcare systems. Sometimes written Admission/Discharge/Transfer.
 ADWOHAverage Day's Work On Hand
 AEAdministrative Enhancement
 AEPAnnual Coordinated Election Period
 AEPAnnual Enrollment Period
 AEPAppropriateness Evaluation Period
 AEROAutomatic Earnings Recomputation Operation
 AETSAutomated Error Tracking System
 AFAdministrative Function
 AFAAlternative Form of Annuity
 AFCEAArmed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
 AFDCAid to Families with Dependant Children
Title IV of the Social Security Act
 AFDSAlternative Financing and Delivery System
 AFEHCTAmerican Federation of Electronic Health Care Transactions
 AFEHCTAssociation for Electronic Health Care Transactions
 AFFIRMAssociation of Federal Information Resources Management
 AFHHAAmerican Federation of Home Health Agencies
 AfibAtrial Fibrillation
A somewhat common irregular heartbeat that sometimes requires a blood thinner to be safely discharged
 AFIPSAmerican Federation of Information Resources Societies
 AFL-CIOAmerican Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
 AFMRAmerican Federation for Medical Research
 AFNAccumulation File Number
 AFPSAccounting for Pay System
 AFSCMEAmerican Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
 AGAffiliated Group
 agAlbumin to Globulin Ratio
Usually written a/g. Seen as a lab test.
 AGAttorney General
 AGAAssociation of Government Accounts
 AGDAcademy of General Dentistry
 AGNSAT&T Global Network Services
 AGPAMAmerican Guild of Patient Account Managers
 AHAAmerican Heart Association
 AHAAmerican Hospital Association
 AHCAmbulatory Health Care
A Joint Commission (JC) accreditation program
 AHCAAmerican Health Care Association
 AHCCCSArizona Healthcare Cost Containment System
Arizona's Medicaid program
 AHCPRAgency for Health Care Policy and Research
 AHESAverage Hourly Earnings
 AHFAntihemophilic Factor
Another name for Factor VIII, one of a number of coagulation (clotting) factors. See also AHG.
 AHFSAAssociation of Health Facility Survey Agencies
 AHGAntihemophilic Globulin
Another name for Factor VIII, one of a number of coagulation (clotting) factors. See also AHF.
 AHIMAAmerican Health Information Management Association
 AHIPAmerica's Health Insurance Plans
A national political advocacy and trade association with about 1,300 member companies that sell health insurance coverage to more than 200 million Americans. AHIP was formed through the merger of HIAA and AAHP.
 AHLAAmerican Health Lawyers Association
 AHNAAmerican Holistic Nurses Association
 AHPAccountable Health Partnership
 AHPAccountable Health Plan
 AHPAllied Health Professional
 AHPAlternative Health Plan
 AHPAssociation of Healthcare Philanthropy
 AHPAverage Historical Payment
 AHPAAmerican Health Planning Association
 AHPBAdjusted Historical Payment Basis
 AHQAAmerican Health Quality Association
 AHRQAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality
 AHSEAAdjusted Hourly Salary Equivalency Amount
 AHSRAssociation for Health Services Research
 AHSSAdhoc Sampling Survey
 AIAudit Intermediary
 AICAmount In Controversy
 AICCAnti-Inhibitor Coagulant Complex
 AICPAAmerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants
 AICRAlternative Internal Control Review
 AIDAgency for Informational Development
 AIDAgency for International Development
 AIDETAcknowledge Introduce Duration Explanation Thank you
An acronym used by the Studer Group to remind staff about how to acknowledge patients and customers
 AIDSAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
A disease of the immune system caused by HIV. During the initial infection, a person may experience a brief period of influenza-like illness, typically followed by a prolonged period without symptoms. As the illness progresses, it interferes more and more with the immune system, making the person much more likely to get infections, including opportunistic infections, and tumors that do not usually affect people who have working immune systems.
 AIFApplications Interface Facility
 AIIMAssociation for Information and Image Management
Trade association
 AIMArchitecture Implementation Management
 AIMAutomated Insertion Machine
 AIMSAudit Information Management System
 AINSAdvanced Information Network System
 AIRAll Inclusive Rate
A Medicare reimbursement rate which is the opposite of an FFS rate
 AJMCAmerican Journal of Managed Care
 AKAAbove the Knee Amputation
Amputation of the lower leg, above the knee
 AKFAmerican Kidney Fund
 AKIAcute Kidney Injury
 ALAAmerican Lung Association
 ALBNAmount of Last Billing Notice
 ALCActive License Counter
 ALCActive Location Counter
 ALCAlternate Level of Care
 ALEAnnual Loss Expectancy
 ALFAssisted Living Facility
 ALFAAssisted Living Federation of America
 ALJAdministrative Law Judge
 ALNCCBAmerican Legal Nurse Consultant Certification Board
 ALNFAuto Liability NoFault
 ALOSAverage Length of Stay
The arithmetic mean (traditional average) length of stay. It is calculated by See also GMLOS.
 ALOSVAverage Length of Stay Variance
 ALSAdvanced Life Support
 ALSAdvanced Logistics System
 ALSOAutomatic Lump Sum Operation
 ALTAverage Length of Treatment
 AMAdjustment Module
 AMAmplitude Modulation
 AMAAgainst Medical Advice
If a patient decides to leave against the advice of their doctor, they sign this form to relieve the hospital of responsibility
 AMAAmerican Medical Association
 AMAAustralian Medical Association
 AMA-PCPIAmerican Medical Association Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement
 AMASDSAsset Management and Automated Software Distribution System
 AMBHAAmerican Managed Behavioral Healthcare Association
 AMCAcademic Medical Center
 AMCPAcademy of Managed Care Pharmacy
 AMCRAAmerican Medical Care and Review Association
 AMCSAutomated Medical Coding System
 AMGAAmerican Medical Group Association
 AMHPSAssociation of Minority Health Professional Schools
 AMIAcute Myocardial Infarction
Commonly known as a heart attack. Results from the interruption of blood supply to a part of the heart, causing heart cells to die.
 AMIAAmerican Medical Informatics Association
 AMISAmerican Management Information System
 AMLArithmetic Mean of the Logarithm
 AMOCAutomated Manual Ordering Cycle
 AMPAsthma Management Plan
Sometimes called AAP
 AMPAverage Manufacturer's Price
 AMPRAAmerican Medical Rehabilitation Providers Association
 AMRAcquisition Management Review
 AMRAutomated Medical Record
 AMRAAmerican Medical Records Association
 AMSActivities Management System
 AMSAAmerican Medical Student Association
 AMSNAcademy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
 AMWAverage Monthly Wage
 ANAccount Number
Also written A/N
 ANAAdministration for Native Americans
 ANAAmerican Nurses Association
 ANACAssociation of Nurses in AIDS Care
 ANCCAmerican Nurses Credentialing Center
 ANCHRAccess to the NCH Repository
Online query to 5% sample
 ANCIAmerican National Standards Institute
 ANDAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Formerly American Dietetic Association
 ANDAllow Natural Death
An order similar to DNR or DNAR
 ANDAAbbreviated New Drug Applications
 ANEAssociation of Nurse Executives
 ANFAustralian Nursing Federation
A test using x-ray technology and a contrast agent (dye) to see the body's blood vessels to study narrow, blocked, enlarged or malformed arteries or veins, including brain, heart, abdomen and legs
 ANNAAmerican Nephrology Nurses' Association
 ANOCAnnual Notice of Change
An annual notice from a Medicare plan which includes any changes in coverage, costs, or service area that will be effective in January.
 ANOVAAnalysis of Variance
 ANPAdult Nurse Practitioner
A job title or an acronym for a program name (ANP Program)
 ANSCIIAmerican National Standard Code for Information Interchange
 ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
 AOAccreditation Organization
 AOAAdministration on Aging
 AOAAmerican Optometric Association
 AOAAmerican Osteopathic Association
 AOAAustralian Orthopaedic Association
 AOBAdjusted Occupied Bed
 AOBAssignment of Benefits
 AOCNAdvanced Oncology Certified Nurse
A certification by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC)
 AOCNPAdvanced Oncology Certified Nurse Practitioner
A certification by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC)
 AOCNSAdvanced Oncology Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist
A certification by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC)
 AOLSAll Other Local Screens
 AONEAmerican Organization of Nurse Executives
 AOPAAmerican Orthotic and Prosthetic Association
 AORAfter Outliers Removed
 AORApplication Owning Region
 AORNAssociation of periOperative Registered Nurses
 APAccounts Payable
Also written as A/P
 APAward Processing
 APAAmerican Pharmaceutical Association
 APAAmerican Psychiatric Association
 APAAmerican Psychological Association
 APACHEAcute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation
 APCAmbulatory Payment Classification
The CMS method of paying for facility outpatient services. Non-Medicare insurances primarily utilize CPT codes instead.
 APCAverage Per Capita
 APCAverage Projected Costs
 APCDAll-Payer Claims Database
A comparative database which includes commercial health plans, Medicare, and Medicaid
 APCSSAutomated Production Control and Scheduling System
 APDAdjusted Patient Day
 APDAdvanced Planning Documents
 APDAAccretion Premium Due Amount
 APDSRAverage Per Diem State Rate
 APFAuthorized Program Facility
 APGAmbulatory Patient Group
 APGAmbulatory Payment Group
 APGARAmerican Pediatric Gross Assessment Record
A backronym
 APHAAmerican Public Health Association
 APHPAcute Partial Hospitalization Program
 APHPApplied as Hospital Insurance Premiums
 APHSAAmerican Public Human Services Association
 APIApplication Programming Interface
 APMAdmission Pattern Monitoring
 APMAudit Priority Matrix
 APMAAmerican Podiatric Medical Association
 APMEAdvisory Panel on Medicare Education
 APNAdvanced Practice Nurse
 APOAwards Processing Operation
 APPAdvanced Practice Provider
Typically includes Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs)
 APPApplication Portability Profile
 APPCAdvanced Program-to-Program Communication
A protocol, developed by IBM, which computer programs can use to communicate over a network. APPC is at the application layer in the OSI model, it enables communications between programs on different computers, from portables and workstations to midrange and host computers.
 APPSAutomated Plan Payment System
 APRAccreditation Participation Requirement
 APRAcquisition Procurement Request
 APRAgency Procurement Request
 APRAverage Payment Rate
 APR-DRGAll Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Group
 APRN, BC-PAdvanced Practice Registered Nurse, Board Certified-Palliative Care Management
A certification by the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA) in association with the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
 APRN,BCAdult Nurse Practitioner
An NP certification by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
 APSAcquisition Planning Schedule
 APSAcute Physiology Score
 APSAdjudication Payment System
 APSAmerican Pain Society
 APSAnnual Person Summary System
 APSApplication Productivity System
 APSAAmerican Political Science Association
 APTAutomated Production Turnover
 APTCAdvanced Premium Tax Credit
A tax credit, provided by the Affordable Care Act, assisting qualified individuals in paying for health insurance through the Marketplace. Advance payments of the tax credit can be used by qualified individuals at the time of purchase on the Marketplace to lower monthly premium costs. If the amount of advance credit payments you get for the year is less than the tax credit you're due, you'll get the difference as a refundable credit when you file your federal income tax return. If your advance payments for the year are more than the amount of your credit, you must repay the excess advance payments with your tax return. Also sometimes called premium tax credit.
 APTDAid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled
 aPTTActivated Partial Thromboplastin Time
Measures the ability of the blood to clot properly. Values used in combination with other tests. See also PTT, INR, or PT.
 APUAdolescent Psychiatric Unit
 APUAnnual Payment Update
 APUAntepartum Unit
 APWAAmerican Public Welfare Association
Changed to APHSA
 AQAAmbulatory Care Quality
Formerly known as the Ambulatory Quality Alliance
 AQIAudit Quality Initiative
 AQLAcceptable Quality Level
 AQRPAudit Quality Review Program
 ARAccounts Receivable
Also written as A/R
 ARAlpha Representation
 arAortic Regurgitation
 ARApplicant and/or Recipient
 ARAAmerican Rheumatological Association
 ARAAssistant Regional Administrator
 ARAAssociate Regional Administrator
 ARBAngiotensin II Receptor Blockers
 ARCAIDS-Related Complex
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Related Complex/Conditions
 ARCAmerican Red Cross
 ARCAssociation for Retarded Citizens
 ARCRAccess and Revenue Cycle Readiness
Epic's incentive program which coincides with implementation of their software.
 ARCSAccounts Receivable and Collection System
 ARDMSAmerican Association of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
 ARFActuarial Reduction Factor Program
 ARFAcute Renal Failure
 ARFArea Resource File
 ARIMAArithmetic Moving Average
 ARKArkansas Part B System
 ARMISAd Hoc Reports Management Information System
 ARMSAdhoc Reports Management System
 ARMSAutomated Resource Management System
 ARNAssociation of Rehabilitation Nurses
 ARNAAmerican Radiological Nurses Association
 AROAnnualized Rate of Occurence
 ARPAdmission Review Program
 ARRTAmerican Registry of Radiologic Technologists
 ARSActive Record Status
 ARSAdvanced Record System
 ARSAdvanced Retrieval System
 ARSAgricultural Research Service
 ARSAltanthus Response System
 ARSTOPARS Telephone Communications Operating Procedures
 ARTSAutomated Reporting and Tracking System
 ARUAudio Response Unit
 ARUAutomated Response Unit
Phone system with automated routing
 ASAdministrative Simplification
 ASAdvanced System
 ASAmerican Samoa
 asAortic Stenosis
 ASApplication System
 ASLeft Ear
A dangerous abbreviation which should not be used because it can be mistaken for QD (every day)
 ASAAmerican Society of Anesthesiologists
An educational, research, and scientific association of physicians organized to raise the standards of the medical practice of anesthesiology and to improve patient care. ASA also created the Physical Status Classification System for pre-anesthetized patients:ASA Physical Status 1 - A normal healthy patientASA Physical Status 2 - A patient with mild systemic diseaseASA Physical Status 3 - A patient with severe systemic diseaseASA Physical Status 4 - A patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to lifeASA Physical Status 5 - A moribund patient who is not expected to survive without the operationASA Physical Status 6 - A declared brain-dead patient whose organs are being removed for donor purposes
 ASAEAmerican Society of Association Executives
 ASAPAmerican Society of Automation in Pharmacy
 ASAPAutomated Standard Application for Payments
 ASAPEpic Emergency Department Application
Epic's emergency department information system application
 ASBCAArmed Services Board of Contract Appeals
 ASCAccredited Standards Committee
See also ANSI
 ASCAmbulatory Surgery Center
 ASCAmbulatory Surgical Center
 ASCAmbulatory Surgical/Surgery Center
 ASCAAdministrative Simplification Compliance Act
 ASCEPTAustralasian Society of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists
 ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
See also ANSCII
 ASCMApplication Software Configuration Management
 ASCOAmerican Society of Clinical Oncology
 ASCPAmerican Society for Clinical Pathology
 ASCPAmerican Society of Consultant Pharmacists
 ASCPTAmerican Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
 ASCTAmerican Society of Cytotechnology
 ASCWAudit Selection Criteria Worksheet
 ASDAutism Spectrum Disorder
 ASER/SAAnnual State Evaluation Report/State Assessments
 ASFAutomatic System Facility
 ASHAmerican Society of Hematology
 ASHAssistant Secretary for Health
 ASHAAmerican Speech-Language-Hearing Association
 ashdAtherosclerotic Heart Disease
 ASHEAmerican Society for Healthcare Engineering
 ASHPAmerican Society of Health Systems Pharmacists
 ASHPAmerican Society of Hospital Pharmacists
 ASHRMAmerican Society of Healthcare Risk Management
 ASIAlert Screen Initiative
 ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuit
 ASIMAmerican Society of Internal Medicine
 ASISAssociation Society of Industrial Security
 ASLAmbulatory Surgery Location
 ASLAmerican Sign Language
 ASMAnnuity and Survivors Master
 ASMBAssistant Secretary for Management and Budget
 ASMHAssembler H Software
 ASMIAustralian Self-Medication Industry
 ASMSOAmerican Society of Medication Safety Officers
 ASMTAmerican Society for Medical Technologists
 ASOAdministration Services Only Contract
 ASOAdministrative Services Only
 ASOApplication Services Organization
 ASPAcquisition Strategy Plan
 ASPApplication Service Provider
A business providing computer-based services to customers over a network. For example, health systems may provide access to their EHR to community providers.
 ASPAAmerican Society of Public Administrators
 ASPEAssistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
 ASPENAutomated Survey Processing Environment
 ASPERAssistant Secretary for Personnel
 ASPSAmerican Society of Plastic Surgeons
 ASQAges and Stages Questionnaire
 ASRTAmerican Society of Radiologic Technologists
 ASSHAmerican Society for Surgery of the Hand
 ASTERAutomated System for Transaction Exception Resolution
 ASTHOAssociation of State and Territorial Health Offices
 ASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
 ASTME31ASTM Committee 31
 ASTSAmerican Society of Transplant Surgeons
 ATARSAudits Tracking and Reporting System
 ATBAccount Trial Balance
 ATBAll Trunks Busy
 ATBCBArchitectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
 ATLAAssociation of Trial Lawyers of America
 ATMAschronous Transfer Mode
 ATPAdvanced Technology Projects
 ATRAAmerican Therapeutic Recreation Association
 ATSAlcohol Treatment Services
 ATSDRAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
As in Attending Physician
 AUBoth Ears
A dangerous abbreviation which should not be used because it can be mistaken for QD (every day)
 AUFAutomatic Update Facility
 AUSAAssistant United States Attorney
 AUSCTAutologous Stem Cell Transplantation
 AUSUAssistant U S Attorney
 AUTO3480HDC LMS Robotic Processing software
 AVERTAntiVirus Emergency Response Team
 AVGSAmbulatory Visit Groups
 AVPAssistant Vice President
 AVSAfter Visit Summary
A document, typically printed out of an HIS, such as Epic, at the time of discharge
 AVTAutomated Voice Technology
 AWASAutomated Work Administration System
 AWDAutomatic Work Distributor
 AWPActual Wholesale Price
 AWPAverage Wholesale Price
Drug prices
 AXRAbdominal X-ray
A test that can be carried out quickly and easily in an emergency department. The test can help diagnose some abdominal conditions. It is not a useful investigation for most abdominal conditions. Small and large bowel obstructions, volvulus and malrotations can be diagnosed by AXR. Renal, urethral and bladder stones can sometimes be identified on plain x-ray, although it is usual now to use CT as a first line investigation to confirm clinical suspicion.
AIDS drug therapy
 B&PBid and Proposal
 BABachelor of Arts
Typically, a 4-year degree at an accredited university or college
 BABasic Agreement
 BABudget Administration
 BABudget Authority
 BABusiness Associate
 BAABusiness Associate Agreement
 BAAADSBudget Apportionment Allotment Allowance and Database System
 BAAPSBritish Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
 BACBeneficiary Advisory Committee
 BACBilling Action Code
 BACOMBeneficiary Annotation and Communication Operation
 BAGBusiness Advisory Group
 BARBeneficiary Adjustment Report
 BARBilling Accounts Receivable
A Meditech acronym
 BARCBoard Appeal Review Committee
 BARSBid Analysis and Reporting System
 BASBalloon Atrial Septostomy
 BATBed Assignment Time
A performance metric used in the Bed Control Department. Bed Assignment Time is the elapsed time between the initial request for admission and the assignment of that patient to an inpatient bed.
 BATFBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
 BBBlack Belt
As in Lean/Six Sigma Black Belt
 BB(ASCP)Technologist in Blood Banking
A certification by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of Registry
 BBABalanced Budget Act
A 1997 act. Sometimes abbreviated 'BBA 97'
 BBRABalanced Budget Refinement Act
A 1999 act
 BC/BSBlue Cross/Blue Shield
 BCABoard of Contract Appeals
 BCBBeneficiary Confidentiality Board
 BCBABoard Certified Behavior Analyst
 BCBSABlue Cross/Blue Shield Association
 BCCBilling Cycle Code
 BCCBlock Check Character
 BCCEBaltimore Computer Conference and Exposition
 BCCPBusiness Continuity and Contingency Plan
 BCDBinary Coded Decimal
 BCENBoard of Certification for Emergency Nursing
 BCFBenefit Correction Form
 BCMABar Code Medication Administration
 BCNBatch Clearance Notice
 BCSSBatch Completion Status Summary
 BCWBloodCenter of Wisconsin
 BDBudget Distribution
 BDBusiness Development
 BDAMBasic Data Access Method
 BDCBarbara Davis Center
The Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes specializes in type 1 diabetes research and care for children and adults. The Center is part of the University of Colorado School of Medicine and is located on the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, CO.
 BDentSciBachelor of Dental Science
 BDFBulk Data Facility
 BDODBeneficiary Date of Death
 BDPBeneficiary Database Prototype
 BDPCBreakthrough Drug Pricing Committee
 BDPPBeneficiary Database Prototype Project
 BDSBachelor of Dental Science
 BDSBachelor of Dental Surgery
 BDTSBatched Data Transmission System
 BEABudget Expense Account
 BEABureau of Economic Affairs
 BEABureau of Economic Analysis
 BEABusiness Enterprise Area
 BEAGBuild & Execution Advisory Group
 BEAMBrain Electrical Activity Mapping
 BEAUBudget Expense Account Unit
 BEDBed Master File
An Epic Master File which is a subset of the Chronicles database (Epic's integrated production database)
 BEERBeneficiary Earnings Exchange Record
 BEIBudget Estimating Initiative
 BENDEXBeneficiary Data Exchange
Sometimes known as Beneficiary and Earnings Data Exchange System
 BESSPart B Extract and Summary System
See also BMAD
 BESTBeneficiary Eligibility State Tape
EDB Bene Alpha File
 BESTBeneficiary State Totals
From SPACE System
 BETOSBerenson Eggers Type of Service
 BFBeneficiary File
 BGNBeneficiary Given Name
 BHBehavioral Health
 BHCBehavioral Health Care
A Joint Commission (JC) accreditation program
 BHOBehavioral Health Organization
 BHSBachelor of Health Science
 BHSBusiness Health Services
 BHygBachelor of Hygiene
 BIBackground Investigation
 BIBenefits Integrity
 BIBrain Injury
 BIBuy In
 BIABusiness Impact Analysis
 BICBeneficiary Identification Code
 BICEQNBIC Equate Number
 bidTwice Daily
A dosage. i.e. take these antibiotics bid (twice daily)
 BIDWBusiness Intelligence and Data Warehousing
See also EDW
 BIECBuyIn Eligibility Code
 BIERBilling Information Exchange Record
 BIFBeneficiary Insurance File
 BIFBenefit Information Form
 BIMFBeneficiary Inactive Master File
 BIPABenefits, Improvements, and Protection Act
A 2000 act
 BiPAPBiphasic Positive Airway Pressure
The name of a portable ventilator manufactured by Respironics Corporation and is just one of many ventilators that can deliver BPAP.
 BISCBenefit Integrity support Center
 BISYNCBinary Synchronous Communication
IBM data communications protocol
 BITBeneficiary Inquiries Taskforce
 BITFBeneficiary Implementation Task Force
 BITSBeneficiary Information Tracking System
 BITSBeneficiary Inquiry Tracking System
 BITSMISBITS Management Information System
 BIWBeneficiary Inquiries Workgroup
 BKABelow the Knee Amputation
Removal of the lower leg below the knee
 BLBlack Lung
 BLASERBlack Lung Automated Search and Edit Routine
 BLMBureau of Land Management
 BLPBypass Label Processing
 BLSBasic Life Support
 BLSBureau of Labor Statistics
Department of Labor (DOL)
 BLUCBottom Line Unit Cost
 BLUESBlue Cross/Blue Shield associations
 BMBachelor of Medicine
Implies a designation of doctor in some areas. Also abbreviated BMed or MB.
 BMBowel Movement
Milestone patients sometimes need to reach before being ready to discharge
 BM BChBachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
Also abbreviated MBBS
 BM ChBBachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
Also written CB, ChB, MBChB, or MB ChB.
 BMABioMedical Applications
 BMABritish Medical Association
 BMACSPart B Medicare Automated Claims Systems
See also Medicare Part B (PTB or MEDB)
 BMCHRDBureau of Maternal and Child Health and Resources Development
 BMEBoard of Medical Examiners
 BMedBachelor of Medicine
Implies a designation of doctor in some areas. Also abbreviated BM or MB.
 BMedBiolBachelor of Medical Biology
 BMedSciBachelor of Medical Science
 BMHBryn Mawr Hospital
 BMIBody Mass Index
 BMicBachelor of Microbiology
 BMPBasic Metabolic Panel
A set of seven or eight blood chemical tests which is one of the most common lab tests ordered by health care providers. The BMP provides key information regarding fluid and electrolyte status, kidney function, blood sugar levels, and response to various medications and other medical therapies.
 BMQABoard of Medical Quality Assurance
 BMRHBryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital
 BMSBachelor of Medical Science
 BMTBachelor of Medical Technology
 BMTBone Marrow Transplant
 BNBachelor of Nursing
 BNABaromedical Nurses Association
 BNFBritish National Formulary
 BOBachelor of Osteopathy
 BOABasic Ordering Agreement
 BOABusiness Office Assistant
 BOANBeneficiary's Own Account Number
Social Security Number (SSN)
 BOCBoard of Commissioners
 BOCMISBeneficiary Overpayment Control and Management Information System
 BODBid Opening Date
 BODBoard of Directors
 BOEBusiness Objects Enterprise
 BOISBeneficiary Online Inquiry System
HI/SMI online in HCFA
 BOMBill of Materials
 BOMABuilding Owners and Managers Association
 BOMEBureau of Medical Examiners
 BOOSTBetter Outcomes for Older adults through Safe Transitions
A discharge planning initiative with eight risk factors which would qualify a patient for increased discharge planning focus
 BOPBureau of Prisons
 BORBefore Outliers Removed
 BOSBoard of Supervisors
 BOSSBest on Open Systems Solutions
 BOSSNBeneficiary's Own SSN
 BPBachelor of Pharmacy
 BPBenefit Period
 BPBest Price
 BPBlood Pressure
Considered one of the vital signs
 BPBusiness Partner
 BPABest Practice Alert
Epic's decision support which notifies clinicians when they need to tend to important tasks, such as reviewing a patient's allergies, writing orders, and completing charting. Sometimes known as Best Practice Advisories.
 BPABlanket Purchase Arrangement
Also known as Blanket Purchase Agreement
 BPAPBilevel Positive Airway Pressure
A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mode used during noninvasive positive pressure ventilation. It delivers a preset inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) and expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP)
 BPCBase Period Charge
 BPEWSBedside Pediatric Early Warning System
 BPHBachelor of Public Health
 BPharmBachelor of Pharmacy
 BPHCBureau of Primary Health Care
 BPHNBachelor of Public Health Nursing
 BPOBargain Purchase Option
 BPRBudget and Performance Requirements
 BPRBusiness Process Reengineering
 BPSBudget Preparation System
 BPSTBill Processing System Test
 BPTBed Placement Time
A performance metric used in the Bed Control Department. Bed Placement Time is the elapsed time between the initial request for admission and the actual placement of patient in the inpatient bed.
 BQASPart B Quality Assurance System
See also Medicare Part B (PTB or MEDB)
 BRBudget Request
 BRABusiness Resumption Assessment
 BRATBananas Rice Applesauce Toast
A type of diet ordered for hospital patients
 BRCBase Rate Calculation
 BRDPIBiomedical Research and Development Price Index
 BRDSBill Review Documentation Summary form
 BRIBasic Rate Interface
 BRIBenefit Rate Increase
 BRRRBills Received and Returned Report
 BRSBacklog Reduction Schedule
 BRSBibliographic Retrieval Service
 BRTBusiness Roundtable
 BSBachelor of Science
Also abbreviated BSc
 BSABody Surface Area
 BSABusiness Software Alliance
 BScBachelor of Science
Also abbreviated BS
 BSCBinary Synchronous Communication
 BScMBachelor of Science in Medicine
Also abbreviated BSM
 BScNBachelor of Science in Nursing
Also abbreviated BSN
 BScPhBachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Also abbreviated BSPh
 BSFBenefit Stabilization Fund
 bslsBlood Sugar Levels
 BSMBachelor of Science in Medicine
Also abbreviated BScM
 BSNBachelor of Science in Nursing
Also abbreviated BSnN
 BSPBusiness Systems Planning
 BSPhBachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Also abbreviated BScPh
 BSRBill Summary Records
See also Medicare Part B (PTB or MEDB)
 BSRSBenefit Savings Reporting System
 BSSBeneficiary Satisfaction Survey
 BSSBenefit Summary Statistics
 BSWBachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Science in Social Work
Most states require social workers to pass a licensing exam
 BTGBreak The Glass
Epic functionality which logs access (and attempts) to sensitive EMR records. Sometimes written break-the-glass.
 BTWBill Type Weight
 BUCSBudget Under Control System
 BUNBlood Urea Nitrogen
 BURBilling Update Record
 BUTEBeneficiary Database Update Transaction System
 BVMSBachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Science
 BVRBudget Variance Report
 BVSBureau of Vital Statistics
 BVScBachelor of Veterinary Science
 BWBirth Weight
 BYBudget Year
 C&PCompensation and Pension
 C&SCulture and Sensitivity
Lab test for infection and antibiotic sensitivity
 C(ASCP)Technologist in Chemistry
A certification by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of Registry
 C/BRCost/Benefit Ratio
 C/BRCost/Burden Reduction
 C/OCenter or Office
 C/SPSCost/Scheduling Performance System
 C2IWCAFM II Implementation Workgroup
 CACertification Authority
 CAChange Administration
 CAClaims Analyst
 CAClinical Assistant
 CACompetitive Advocate
 CAConditional Accreditation
 CAASCertificate for Advisory and Assistance Services
 CAASContracted Advisory and Assistance Services
 CABBSCarrier Bulletin Board System
 CABGCoronary Artery Bypass Graft
Pronounced "cabbage," a surgery also known as coronary artery bypass surgery, heart bypass, or bypass surgery. A surgical procedure performed to relieve angina and reduce the risk of death from coronary artery disease.
 CABLECombined A/B Local Eligibility
 CABSCarrier Access Billing System
 CABSContractor Administrative Budget and Cost Reporting System
 CABWFCombined A/B Working File
See also CWF
 CACCarrier Advisory Committee
 CACCategorical Assistance Code
 CACChild Advocacy Center
 CACChildren's Asthma Care
 CACContractor Advisory Committee
 CACOCorporate Administrative Contracting Officer
 CADCanadian Association of the Deaf
 CADCoronary Artery Disease
Arteries supplying blood to the heart become hard or narrow with cholesterol/plaque
 CAECertified Association Executive
 CAEPCanadian Association of Emergency Physicians
 CAFMContractor Administrative, Budget, and Financial Management
 CAGCanadian Association of Gerontology
 CAGEContractor and Government Entity Code
Formerly FSCM
 CAHCritical Access Hospital
 CAHHSCalifornia Association of Hospitals and Health Systems
 CAHPConsumer Assessment of Health Plan
 CAHPSConsumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
Formerly Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Study or Consumer Assessments of Health Plans Survey. See also HCAHPS.
 CAHSACalifornia Association of Home Services for the Aged
 CalPERSCalifornia Public Employees Retirement System
 CalREDIECalifornia Reportable Disease Information Exchange
A secure system implemented by CDPH for electronic disease reporting and surveillance
 CALSConsolidated Accreditation and Licensure Survey
A California survey
 CAMComplementary and Alternative Medicine
 CAMACComprehensive Accreditation Manual for Ambulatory Care
For Joint Commission (JC) accreditation
 CAMBHCComprehensive Accreditation Manual for Behavioral Health Care
For Joint Commission (JC) accreditation
 CAMCAHComprehensive Accreditation Manual for Critical Access Hospitals
For Joint Commission (JC) accreditation
 CAMHComprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals
 CAMHCComprehensive Accreditation Manual for Home Care
For Joint Commission (JC) accreditation
 CAMLABComprehensive Accreditation Manual for Laboratory and Point-of-Care Testing
For Joint Commission (JC) accreditation
 CAMLTCComprehensive Accreditation Manual for Long Term Care
For Joint Commission (JC) accreditation
 CAMOBSComprehensive Accreditation Manual for Office-Based Surgery Practices
For Joint Commission (JC) accreditation
 CAMPCarrier Accountability Monitoring Project
 CAMRTCanadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists
 CAMSCustomer Account Management System
 CAMTCanadian Association of Music Therapy
 CAMTSCommission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems
 CANClaim Account Number
 CANCommon Account Number
Also known as Common Accounting Number
 CanCORSCancer Care Outcomes and Surveillance Consortium
 CANDAComputer Assisted New Drug Applications
 CAOCanadian Association of Optometrists
 CAOChronic Airway Obstruction
 CAOTCanadian Association of Occupational Therapists
 CAPCanadian Association of Physicists
i.e. one capsule at bedtime
 CAPChange Acceleration Process
 CAPCollege of American Pathologists
 CAPCommunity Acquired Pneumonia
 CAPCorrective Action Plan
 CAP-RELCapital Related
 CAPACertified Ambulatory Perianesthesia Nurse
A certification by the American Board of Perianesthesia Nursing Certification, Inc. (ABPANC)
 CAPIComputer Assisted Personal Interviewing
 CAPSCapitated Ambulatory Plan
 CAPSClaims Automated Processing System
 CARCanadian Association of Radiologists
 CARCorrective Action Review
 CARCost Accounting Report
 CARECenter for Analytical Review and Education
 CARESContractors Analysis and Reporting System
 CARFCommission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
 CARRPRCarrier Payment Record
 CASClinical Applications Services
 CASCost Accounting Standards
 CASBCost Accounting Standards Board
 CASECommittee on Academic Science and Engineering Report
 CASEComputer Assisted Systems Engineering
Also known as Computer Assisted Software Engineering
 CASFCarrier Alphabetic State File
 CASLCompetition Advocate Shopping List
 CASLPACanadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
 CASLPOCollege of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario
 CASOCombine and Sort Operation
 CASPERCertification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reporting
 CASPROClinical Area Support PRO
 CASRContractor Audit and Settlement Report
 CASTCarrier Alpha State Tape
A Microfilm/Microfiche system
 CASTContractor Assessment Security Tool
 CASUCooperative Administrative Support Program
 CATComputerized Axial Tomography
A CAT Scan, also known as a CT Scan, is non invasive and uses special x-ray equipment and computers to produce cross-sectional images of the area being scanned, sometimes using contrast material to produce multiple images of the body's interior. Reveals more details than x-rays.
 CAUTICatheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection
Sometimes written CA-UTI
 CAWRCombined Annual Wage Reporting
 CBBachelor of Surgery
Also abbreviated ChB
 CBCollaborative Build
 CBConsolidated Billing
 CBCost Benefit
 CBACost/Benefit Analysis
 CBCCenter for Beneficiary Choices
 CBCCipher Block Chaining
 CBCComplete Blood Count
A panel of tests to check the levels of various cells in the blood; certain levels could prevent advancement of care plan (e.g. white blood cells need to be below level 10)
 CBCLChild Behavior Checklist
 CBGNACertifying Board of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc.
 CBICertificate in Breast Imaging
A certification by the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT)
 CBIConfidential Business Information
 CBMCurriculum Based Measurement
Brief assessment measure used to evaluate changes in academic skills over time (i.e., progress monitor).
 CBOCentralized Business Office
 CBOCongressional Budget Office
 CBRCASE Based Reasoning
 CBRCost Based Reimbursement
 CBSCurrent Beneficiary Survey
 CBSRCost Benefit Savings Report
 CBSSCustomer Billing Services System
 CBTCognitive Behavioral Therapy
A psychotherapeutic approach which addresses dysfunctional emotions, maladaptive behaviors and cognitive processes, and contents through a number of goal-oriented, explicit systematic procedures
 CBTComputer Based Training
 CCCare Coordination
A care team collaborating on the patient
 CCCeiling Cost
 CCChief Complaint
Patient's main concern
 CCClaims Control
 CCComplication or Comorbidity
Also written CCs (Complications & Comorbidities)
 CCCondition Code
 CCConditional Certification
 CCConfiguration Control
 ccCubic Centimeters
Usually refers to liquid med dosages or fluid volumes excreted/removed from the body
 CCACatastrophic Coverage Act
 CCAChild Care Association
 CCBChange Control Board
 CCBDCenter for Cancer and Blood Disorders
A department at Children's Hospital Colorado specializing in pediatric hematology, oncology, and bone marrow transplants
 CCBDCouncil for Children with Behavioral Disorders
A division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
 CCCChange Control Coordination
 CCCCivilian Conservation Corps
 CCCComprehensive Care Center
 CCC-SLPCertificate of Clinical Competence for Speech-Language Pathologists
An ASHA certification
 CCDRContract Cost Data Report
 CCDRSContract Cost Data Reporting System
 CCDSCertified Clinical Documentation Specialist
A certification by ACDIS
 CCGClinical Care Guideline
A reference for a specific patient population (often DRG) designed to assist clinicians and patients in making appropriate healthcare decisions. CCGs are typically focused on the entire span of treatment, whereas Care Pathways typically emphasize timing and medical milestones to progress a patient through an IP visit.
 CCHCCCoordinating Center for Home and Community Care
 CCHPChildren's Community Health Plan
An HMO owned by Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
 CCICorrect Coding Initiative
 CCIPChronic Care Improvement Programs
 CCITTConsultative Committee on International Telephone and Telegraph
 CCLCenter for Creative Leadership
 CCLRClaims Collection Litigation Report
 CCMCertified Case Manager
 CCMCommon Cap Module
 CCMCommon Communication Method
 CCMCore Clinical Measures
 CCMCCommercial Contracts and Managed Care
 CCNCarrier Control Number
 CCNClaim Control Number
 CCNCMS Certification Number
a.k.a. Medicare (CMS) Provider Number
 CCNCMS Certification Number (previously Medicare/Medicaid Provider Number)
 CCNCorrespondence Control Number
 CCNSCritical Care Nurse Specialist
A certification by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)
 CCOClaims Collection Officer
 CCOHSCanadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
 CCPChange Control Planning
 CCPComprehensive Care Provider
 CCPComprehensive Compliance Program
 CCPCoordinated Care Plans
 CCPRCoordinated Comprehensive Provider Review
 CCRCost Coverage Ratio
 CCRCost to Charge Ratio
 CCRCoverage Compliance Reviews
 CCRCContinuing Care Retirement Community
Sometimes written Continuous Care Retirement Community
 CCRCContinuum of Care Residential Center
 CCRNCritical Care Registered Nurse
A certification by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)
 CCSCanadian Cardiovascular Society
 CCSClinical Classification Software
 CCSCommunity Care Setting
 CCSContract Control System
 CCTHCare Closer To Home
An effort to bring primary care closer to communities
 CCUCardiac Care Unit
 CCUCoronary Care Unit
 CCUCost Containment Unit
 CCUCritical Care Unit
Also known as ICU (Intensive Care Unit)
 CCUITTConsultive Committee on International Telegraphy and Telephony
 CDCivil Defense
 CDConduct Disorder
 CD-RISCClinically Detailed Risk Information System for Costs
 CDACertified Dental Assistant
 CDAACCommunicative Disorders Assistant Association of Canada
 CDBCorrespondence Database System
 CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
 CDCCorporate Data Center
 CDECertified Diabetes Educator
A certification by the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators (NCBDE)
 CDECore Data Element
 CDFChildren's Defense Fund
 CDHConsumer Driven Health Care
 CDHPConsumer Driven Health Plans
 CDICatastrophic Drug Insurance
A trust fund
 CDIClinical Documentation Improvement
 CDISClinical Documentation Improvement Specialist
 CDMCharge Description Master
A comprehensive listing of items that could be billed to a patient, payer or healthcare provider.
 CDMPClinical Documentation Management Process
 CDNCertified Dialysis Nurse
A certification by the Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission (NNCC)
 CDOCCovered Days of Care
 CDPComputerized Decision Procedures
 CDPHCalifornia Department of Public Health
 CDPHEColorado Department of Public Health and Environment
 CDRComputerized Data Repository
 CDRContact Date Real
A date for each visit in Epic's internal date format. It is the number of days since December 31, 1840 (the birthdate of the oldest living person at the time that the first EMR was created). It is followed by two decimal places which identify one contact among many on the same date.
 CDRContinuing Disability Review
 CDRCritical Design Review
 CDRGChildren's Diagnosis Related Groups
 CDRLContract Data Requirements List
 CDRTSCOMDISCO Disaster Recovery Services
 CDSCentral Distribution System
 CDSChain Directory System
 CDSClinical Decision Support
 CDSClinical Documentation Specialist
 CDTCurrent Dental Terminology
 CDWCogito Data Warehouse
Epic's EDW
 CDWCollision Damage Waiver
 CDWOHCalendar Days Work on Hand
 CECovered Entity
 CEACost Effectiveness Analysis
 CEACouncil of Economic Advisors
 CEBContractor Efficiency Benchmark
 CEBCost Efficiency Benchmark
 CEBMAComputer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
 CECCouncil for Exceptional Children
The largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides professional development, advocates for individuals with exceptionalities, and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice.
 CEDCommittee for Employees with Disabilities
 CEECare Everywhere Enterprise
 CEHRTCertified Electronic Health Record Technology
 CELIPClaim Expansion and Line Item Processing
 CEMSCostEffectiveness Measurement System
 CENCertified Emergency Nurse
A certification by the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN)
 CEOChief Executive Officer
 CERCapital Expenditure Review
 CERCombined Exchange Record
From the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR). See also URIC.
 CERComprehensive Evaluation Report
 CERCost Estimating Relationship
 CERTComprehensive Error Rate Testing
 CESCost Estimating System
 CESCredential Evaluation Service
 CESMACouncil for European Specialist Medical Assessments
 CFCase Folder Control System
 CFConversion Factor
 CFACritical Focus Area
 CFBCipher Feedback
 CFBCopy For Build
 CFCChild and Family Counseling
 CfCConditions for Coverage
 CFEContractor Furnished Equipment
 CFOChief Financial Officer
 CFOAChief Financial Officer's Act
A 1990 act
 CFPPContracting for Prepaid Plans
 CFRCode of Federal Regulations
 CFRNCertified Emergency Flight Nurse
A certification by the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN)
 CFSRContract Funds Status Report
 CfWICentre for Workforce Intelligence
 CGMPCurrent Good Manufacturing Practice
 CGRNCertified Gastroenterology Registered Nurse
A certification by the Certifying Board of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc. (CBGNA)
 CHACatholic Health Association
 CHAChildren's Hospital Association
An organization which combined Child Health Corporation of America (CHCA), National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions (NACHRI), and National Association of Children's Hospitals (N.A.C.H.)
 CHAColorado Hospital Association
 CHACounty Health Authorities
 CHAACertified Healthcare Access Associate
 CHAFFChange of Address System
 CHAINChain Provider Director System
 CHAMCertified Healthcare Access Manager
 CHAMPUSCivilian Health and Medical Programs of the Uniformed Services
Now known as TRI-CARE
 CHAMPVACivilian Health and Medical Program of the Veterans Administration
 CHAPChild Health Assurance Program
 CHAPCommunity Health Accreditation Program
 CHAPSConsumer Assessment of Health Plans Survey
 CHAWChildren's Health Alliance of Wisconsin
 ChBBachelor of Surgery
Also abbreviated CB
 CHBICommission on Health Benefits and Integration
 CHCChild Health Clinic
 CHCCommunity Health Center
 CHCComprehensive Health Center
 CHCContinuous Home Care
 CHCCCenter for Hospital and Community Care
 CHCIOCertified Hospital Chief Information Officer
The first professional certification expressly for healthcare CIOs and IT executives, granted by CHIME
 CHCLCenter for Health Care Law
 CHCOChildren's Hospital Colorado
 ChDDoctor of Surgery
A post-medical degree specialty program. Also abbreviated DCh.
 CHDACertified Health Data Analyst
A designation from AHIMA
 CHDRCenter for Health Dispute Resolution
 CHDSCharge Distribution System
 CHERCenter of Health Economics Research
Also known as HERI
 CHESPCertified Healthcare Environmental Services Professional
An EVS professional
 CHFCongestive Heart Failure
Failure of the heart to pump enough blood to all parts of the body and its organs. Symptoms are often noticed as difficulty with breathing and edema or swelling on the right side of the body (failure of returning blood to the heart).
 CHHACertified Home Health Agency
 CHHCContinuous Home Health Care
 CHHSChildren's Hospital and Health System
Describes CHW's integrated pediatric health system
 CHICatastrophic Health Insurance
 CHICatholic Health Initiatives
A national nonprofit health system headquartered in Inverness, CO. The faith-based system operates in 17 states and includes 78 hospital, 40 long-term care/assisted/residential-living facilities, two community health-services organizations, two accredited nursing colleges, and home health agencies.
 CHICNHI Enrollment Cards Operation
 CHICOCombined Health Insurance and Checkwriting Operations
 CHIMCenter for Healthcare Information Management
 CHIMECollege of Healthcare Information Management Executives
 CHIPCatastrophic Health Care Program
 CHIPChild Health Insurance Program
A dangerous abbreviation which should not be used because it can be misinterpreted
 ChMMaster of Surgery
A post-medical degree specialty program. Also abbreviated CM, MC, MS, MCh, or MChir.
 CHMSACritical Health Manpower Shortage Area
 CHNCommunity Health Network
 CHNDChildren's Hospitals Neonatal Database
 CHOCommunity Health Organization
 CHOPChildren's Hospital of Philadelphia
 CHOWChange of Ownership
 CHPNCertified Hospice and Palliative Nurse
A certification by the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA) in association with the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
 CHRNCertified Hyperbaric Nurse
A certification by the Baromedical Nurses Association (BNA)
 CHWChildren's Hospital of Wisconsin
 CICatastrophic Indicator
 CIConfiguration Identification
 CIConfiguration Item
 CIControl Interval
Sometimes written Confidence Interval
 CIACommercial Industrial Activity
Also known as GCIA
 CIADVCarrier/Intermediary Advance Notice
 CICACompetition in Contracting Act
A 1984 act
 CICGCritical Infrastructure Coordination Group
 CICOCommercial Industrial Control Officer
 CICSCustomer Information Control System
Formerly known as SSADARS
 CICUCardiac Intensive Care Unit
 CIDCommercial Item Description
 CIEPContractor Inspection and Evaluation Program
 CIMCorporate Information Management
 CIMCoverage Issues Manual
 CIMSCase Investigation Management System
 CINClient Identification Number
Medicaid will issue a unique CIN, or identification number, to each enrollee in the state program.
 CINClinically Integrated Network
Sometimes known as an Accountable Care Organization
 CINCommon Identification Number
 CINNChicago Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroresearch
 CIOChief Information Officer
 CIPClaims In Process
 CIPCompetitive Incentive Program
 CIPContinuous Improvement Process Program
 CIPCustomer Initiated Payments
 CIPSCenter Information Processing System
 CISCComplex Instruction Set Computing
 CISTRCorrespondence Image Storage, Transmission, and Retrieval
 CITICConsolidated Information Technology Infrastructure Contract
 CKDChronic Kidney Disease
 CKDCount Key Data
 CKMConstructive Key Management
 CLChild Life
Child Life Specialists are pediatric health care professionals who work with children and families in hospitals and other settings to help them cope with the challenges of hospitalization, illness, and disability. They provide children with age-appropriate preparation for medical procedures, pain management and coping strategies, and play and self-expression activities. They also provide information, support, and guidance to parents, siblings, and other family members.
 CLABSICentral Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection
 CLAIMCommunity Leaders Assisting the Insured of Missouri
Answers questions about Medicare for Missourians.
 CLCCPComprehensive Limiting Charge Compliance Program
 CLFSClinical Laboratory Fee Schedule
 CLIAClinical Laboratory Improvement Act
A 1965 act with amendments 1988
 CLIAClinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
Released in 1988
 CLIAClinical Laboratory Interstate Act
Also known as Clinical Laboratory Interstate Amendments
 ClinDOCNursing Clinical Documentation
 CLMClaim Master File
An Epic Master File which is a subset of the Chronicles database (Epic's integrated production database)
 CLMCurrent Logical Model
 CLMAClinical Laboratory Management Association
 CLOEClaims Only Entry System
 CLTCertified Lab Technician
 CLTCertified Laboratory Technician
 CLUWCoalition of Labor Union Women
 CMCase Manager
A member of a Case Management department. A collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation, and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual
 CMCertified Midwife
A certification by the American College of Nurse-Midwives Certification Council (ACC)
 CMComplexity Metrics
 CMConfiguration Management
 CMConfiguration Manual
 CMMaster of Surgery
A post-medical degree specialty program. Also abbreviated ChM, MC, MS, MCh, or MChir.
 CMACanadian Medical Association
 CMACase Management Assistant
 CMACertified Medical Assistant (Non-licensed)
May perform clerical, administrative, and basic clinical support to doctors. Credentialed after completing a medical assistant program
 CMAContract Management Action
 CMACurrent Month Accrual
 CMCComplex Medical Conditions
 CMDCarrier Medical Director
 CMDContractor Medical Directors
 CMEContinuing Medical Education
 CMFMRAConsolidated Master File of Military Retirees and Annuitants
 CMGCase Mix Group
 CMGChildren's Medical Group
The primary care clinics operated by CHW
 CMGComputer Measurement Group
 CMGContractor Management Group
 CMHCCommunity Mental Health Center
Also known as Community Mental Health Clinic
 CMHSContinuous Medical History Sample
Continuous Medicare History Study
 CMICase Mix Index
 CMISCommunications Management Information System
 CMMCapability Maturity Model
 CMNCertificate of Medical Necessity
 CMNCertified Medical Necessity
 CMOChief Medical Officer
Also called VPMA (Vice President of Medical Affairs)
 CMPCapacity Management Program
 CMPCareer Management Program
 CMPChange Management Process
 CMPCivil Monetary Penalty
 CMPCompetitive Medical Plan
 CMPComprehensive Medical Plan
 CMPComprehensive Metabolic Panel
A panel of 14 blood tests which serves as an initial broad medical screening tool. It provides a rough check of kidney function, liver function, and electrolyte and fluid balance.
 CMPConfiguration Management Plan
 CMP-EISCMP Executive Information System
 CMPLCivil Monetary Penalty Law
Also known as Civil Monetary Penalty Liability
 CMPTSCivil Monitory Penalty Tracking System
 CMRComprehensive Medical Review
 CMRICalifornia Medical Review, Inc.
 CMRPCertified Maintence and Reliability Professional
A credential for a healthcare logistic operations manager
 CMSCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Formerly HCFA
 CMSAConsolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area
 CMSRNCertified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse
A certification by the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN)
 CMSSCouncil of Medical Specialty Societies
 CMTCertified Medical Technician
 CMTICustomized Claims System Identifier
 CMWFCommonwealth Fund
 CNClaim Number
Also written C/N
 CNACOCommunity Nursing and Ambulatory Care Organization
 CNBCCongress of National Black Churches
 CNEClinical Nurse Educator
 CNHCommunity Nursing Home
 CNMCertified Nurse Midwife
A certification by the American College of Nurse-Midwives Certification Council (ACC)
 CNMTCertified Nuclear Medicine Technologist
A certification by the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB)
 CNNCertified Nephrology Nurse
A certification by the Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission (NNCC)
 CNORCertified Operating Room Nurse
Not a credential but signifies that an individual has met all the education, examination, or experience requirements necessary to be certified in operating room nursing. This recognition is offered by the Certification Board Perioperative Nursing of the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN)
 CNPBClean NonPIP Bills
 CNSCentral Nervous System
 CNSClinical Nurse Specialist
A job title, not a credential
 CNVConversion Phase
 COCentral Office
 COChange Order
 COComplaint of
Patient's complaints as written in clinician's progress notes. "C/O back pain"
 COContract Officer
 COControl Officer
 COACare for Older Adults
A HEDIS quality measure
 COACategories of Aid
Homogenous risk groups that are based on Medi-Cal eligibility (aid codes), i.e., disability
 COAChange of Address
 COAConditions of Admission
 COBClose of Business
 COBCoordination of Benefits
 COBACoordination of Benefits Agreement
 COBCCoordination of Benefits Contractor
 COBRAConsolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
A 1985 act which granted workers and their families the right to choose to continue a previous employer's group health benefits for limited periods of time under certain circumstances such as voluntary or involuntary job loss, reduction in the hours worked, transition between jobs, death, divorce, and other life events.
 COCCertificate of Competency
 COCAClearinghouse on Computer Accommodation
 COCNCertified Continence Care Nurse
A certification by the Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing Certification Board (WOCNCB)
 COECenter of Excellence
 COFCarrier Option File
 COFFECouncil of Former Federal Employees
 COGChildren's Oncology Group
 COGContinuity of Government
 COGMECouncil On Graduate Medical Education
 COGSCost of Goods Sold
 COICertificate of Indebtedness
 COIChange of Intermediaries
 COIConflict of Interest
 COLACommission on Office Laboratory Accreditation
 COLACost Of Living Adjustment
 COMCentralized Office Minicomputer
 COMComputer Output Microfilm
 COMCurrent Operating Month
 COMPASCOMDISCO Plan Automation System
 COMSECCommunication Security
 CONCertificate of Need
 CONConditional Accreditation
 CONFUConditional Follow-up Survey
 CONOPSConcept of Operations
 CONUSContinual US
48 Contiguous states & DC. Also known as Conterminous US.
 COOChief Operating Officer
 COOPContinuity of Operation Plan
 COPConcept of Operations Papers
 CoPConditions of Participation
CMS guidelines for hospital UR & UM Federal Regulations
 COPContinuation of Pay
 COPCCommunity Oriented Primary Care
 COPDChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Progressive (meaning it worsens over time) lung disease. Those with COPD usually smoke or used to smoke or have had prolonged exposure to other lung irritants (e.g. dust).
 COPESCommunity Options Program Entry System
 COQCost of Quality
 CORCCarrier of Record Control
 CORFComprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility
 CORTSCalculation of Overpayment Recovery Timeliness System
 COSChief of Staff
 COTChain of Trust
 COTACertified Occupational Therapy Assistant
A certification by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. (NBCOT), after earning an Associate's degree in occupational therapy
 COTA(A)Council on the Ageing
 COTFChain Organization Task Force
 COTHCouncil of Teaching Hospitals
 COTRContract Officer's Technical Representative
 COWComputer on Wheels
 COWAPSCouncil on Wage and Price Stability
 CPClaims Processing
 CPContractor Profiles
 CP/MControl Program for Microprocessors
 CPACertified Public Accountant
 CPACost Plus Award
 CPACConsolidated Patient Accounts Centers
The VA Hospitals' 7 CPACs bill for all of the care received within the 22 VISNs
 CPAFCost Plus Award Fee
 CPANCertified Post Anesthesia Nurse
A certification by the American Board of Perianesthesia Nursing Certification, Inc. (ABPANC)
 CPAPCommon Provider Audit Program
 CPAPContinuous Positive Airway Pressure
 CPASClaims Processing Assessment System
 CPCCertified Professional Coder
 CPCColorado Pediatric Collaborative
A non-profit health network comprised of Colorado Pediatric Partners, Children's Hospital of Colorado (CHCO), and Physician Health Partners of Denver
 CPCMCertified Professional Contract Manager
 CPCUCardiac Progressive Care Unit
 CPDCitrate Phosphate Dextrose
An anticoagulant
 CPDCompetitive Pricing Demonstration
 CPDCost Per Discharge
 CPDACurrent Premium Due Amount
 CPDA-1Citrate Phosphate Dextrose Adenine
An anticoagulant used for the preservation of whole blood and red cells for up to 35 days
 CPDAHCPDA Hospital Insurance
 CPECertified Public Expenditures
 CPEContractor Performance Evaluation
 CPEPContractor Performance Evaluation Program
Also known as Contractor Performance Evaluation Profile
 CPFContinuous Planning and Forecasting
 CPFACost Plus Fee Award
 CPFFCost Plus Fixed Fee
 CPFTCertified Pulmonary Function Technologist
A certification by the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC)
 CPGClinical Practice Guideline
 CPGClinical Practice Guidelines
 CPHACommission on Professional Hospital Activities
 CPHIMSCertified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems
A certification from HIMSS for passing a two-hour exam composed of 115 multiple-choice questions, focused on common knowledge and skills that have been identified as being important to competent practice through a job analysis in health IT.
 CPhTCertified Pharmacy Technician
 CPIConsumer Price Index
 CPICoverage Period Indicator
 CPI-PDConsumer Price Index for Prescription Drugs and Medical Supplies
 CPI-UConsumer Price Index for Urban Areas
 CPICCertification Package for Internal Controls
 CPIFCost Plus Incentive Fee
 CPMCertified Professional Midwife
 CPMClaims Processing Manual
 CPMClinical Performance Measure
 CPMContractor Performance Management
Also known as Contractor Performance Module
 CPMCritical Path Method
 CPMCurrent Payment Month
 CPM/EISContractor Performance Management/Enterprise Information System
 CPMDContinuous Passive Motion Device
 CPMEStanding Committee of European Doctors
 CPMRCClinical Practice Model Resource Center
 CPNCertified Pediatric Nurse
A certification by the National Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and Nurses, Inc. (NCBPNP/N)
 CPNPCertified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
A certification by the National Certification Board of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and Nurses, Inc. (NCBPNP/N)
 CPOCare Plan Oversight
 CPOChief of Purchasing Office
 CPOEComputerized Physician Order Entry
Also referred to as Computerized Provider Order Entry
 CPONCertified Pediatric Oncology Nurse
A certification by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC)
 CPPCCost Plus Percentage of Cost
 CPPUCardiac Pre Post Unit
Also known as Cardiac Pre Post Care Unit
 CPQCClaims Processing Quality Control
 CPRCardiopulmonary Resuscitation
An emergency procedure, performed in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person in cardiac arrest
 CPRComparative Performance Report
 CPRComputerized Patient Record
 CPRContractor Performance Report
 CPRCost Performance Report
 CPRCustomary, Prevailing, and Reasonable
As in charges
 CPRIComputer-based Patient Record Institute
 CPRSContractor Performance Reporting System
 CPSCenter for Policy Studies
 CPSClassified Position System
 CPSClinical Practice Specialist
 CPSCritical Payment System
 CPSCConsumer Products Safety Commission
 CPSRContractor Purchasing System Review
Also known as Contractor Procurement System Review
 CPTChange Patient Type
 CPTChild Protection Team
 CPTClaims Processing Timeliness
 CPTCost Per Treatment
 CPTCurrent Procedural Terminology
Numbers assigned to every task and service a medical practitioner may provide to a patient including medical, surgical and diagnostic services.
 CPTPhlebotomy Technician Certification
 CPT-4Current Procedural Terminology, Version 4
 CPUCentral Processing Unit
 CPUChild Psychiatric Unit
 CPVCost Per Visit
 CPXComplete Physicial Exam
A dangerous abbreviation which should not be used because it can be misinterpreted
 CQASCarrier Quality Assurance System
Now known as Part B QAS
 CQIContinuous Quality Improvement
 CQMRCarrier Quarterly Medical Review
 CQRCo-worker Quality Review
 CRChange Request
 CRContinuing Resolution
 CRCost Report
 CRCreate Review
Functionality in Canopy (Allscripts) to create a new InterQual assessment
 CRCross Reference
 CRAGContractor Risk Assessment Guide
 CRAHChange Request Approval History
 CRAMCross Region Access Method
 CRBChange Review Board
 CRCCapital Related Costs
 CRCCareer Resource Center
 CRCCertified Rehabilitation Counselor
 CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
 CRCCCompensation Related Customary Charges
 CrClCreatine Clearance
 CRDCentre for Reviews and Dissemination
 CRDChronic Renal Disease
Also known as ESRD
 CREPCost Report Evaluation Program
 CRESUSCost Report Evaluation System subsystem
 CRFChange Request Form
 CRGCarrier Representative Group
 CRGClinical Risk Group
A classification provided via 3M's Clinical Risk Grouping Software. It provides a patient stratification of health status (values 1 through 9) and burden of illness on a health system.
 CRIClient Record Index
 CRIControlled Rate of Increase
 CRIPACivil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
 CRLECost Reimbursement Level of Effort
 CRMCustomer Relationship Management
 CRNCertified Radiologic Nurse
Credential for nurses who have taken the Certification Examination for Radiologic Nursing. A certification by the American Radiological Nurses Association (ARNA)
 CRNCost-related Nonadherence
Used to describe patient non-compliance with a care plan as a result of financial hardship (i.e., inability to afford prescribed medications)
 CRNACertified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
A certification by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA)
 CRNFACertified Registered Nurse First Assistant
An operating certification by the Certification Board Perioperative Nursing of the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN)
 CRNICertified Registered Nurse Infusion
A certification by the Infusion Nurses Certification Corporation of the Infusion Nurses Society (INS)
 CROWDContractor Reporting of Operational and Workload Data
 CRPCommon Rules Processor
 CRPConsolidated Review Program
 CRRNCertified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse
A certification by the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN)
 CRRN-ACertified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse - Advanced
An advanced certification by the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN)
 CRSCongressional Reporting System
 CRSCongressional Research Service
 CRSCritical Reduction Schedule
 CRSCustom Reporting Solution
A module for custom report development in TeleTracking
 CRSLCost Report Settlement Log
 CRTCertified Respiratory Therapist
A certification by the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC)
 CRTSCuff Records Tracking System
 CRTTCertified Respiratory Therapy Technician
A job title, not a certification
 CRVRCatastrophic Repeal Validation Review
 CRVSCalifornia Relative Value Study
 CRWHChange Request Work History
 CSCentral Supply
 CSClaims Services
 CSCovered Services
 CSCustomer Service
 CSACertified Surgical Assistant
 CSAComputer Security Act
A 1987 act
 CSACross Service Agreement
 CSACConsensus Standards Advisory Committee
An NQF committee
 CSAMSCustomer Service Assessment and Management System
 CSAPCenter for Substance Abuse Prevention
 CSATComputer Security Awareness Training
 CSCCustomer Service Center
 CSCCCustomer Service Call Center
See also SPOC, now Customer Service Center (CSC)
 CSDCustomer Service Desk
 CSFCerebrospinal Fluid
 CSFCritical Success Factor
 CSGChildren's Specialty Group
The specialty clinics operated by CHW and MCW in Wisconsin
 CSGClinical Service Group
 CSIComputer Security Institute
 CSIRCComputer Security Incident Response Capability
 CSMICorporate Storage Management Initiative
 CSMMCustomer Support for Medicare Modernization
 CSNContact Serial Number