Healthcare Acronyms

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Healthcare Acronyms currently has 6,195 acronyms but how should you use them?


For Healthcare Professionals...

Early in my hospital operations career, I realized that many clinicians and other healthcare professionals speak a weird dialect of English - healthcare English. Rather than acknowledging that I didn't speak healthcare, I instead began tracking unfamiliar acronyms in a spreadsheet. This process helped me learn acronyms which were once unfamiliar and as the spreadsheet grew, I realized that it could also help others translate the pervasive healthcare language, forming the humble beginnings of HealthcareAcronyms.info.

For Patients...

An unfortunate result of healthcare professionals using such complex jargon is that the industry is more difficult for patients and consumers of healthcare to navigate than ever. Although you should always feel confident asking a care provider to define an acronym, we seek to be a useful patient reference as you navigate the healthcare environment.

For Healthcare Professionals...

Early in my hospital operations career, I realized that many clinicians and other healthcare professionals speak a weird dialect of English - healthcare English. Rather than acknowledging that I didn't speak healthcare, I instead began tracking unfamiliar acronyms in a spreadsheet. This process helped me learn acronyms which were once unfamiliar and as the spreadsheet grew, I realized that it could also help others translate the pervasive healthcare language, forming the humble beginnings of HealthcareAcronyms.info.


For Patients...

An unfortunate result of healthcare professionals using such complex jargon is that the industry is more difficult for patients and consumers of healthcare to navigate than ever. Although you should always feel confident asking a care provider to define an acronym, we seek to be a useful patient reference as you navigate the healthcare environment.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Please contact us about anything.



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